The Massive Primate, Bigfoot

Bigfoot is one of the more well known urban legends that I'm sure lots of you must have heard about at some point or the other. The legend states that Bigfoot is a large, primate-like creature that walks in an upright position like humans standing at about 7-9 feet tall and there are assumed to be more than one in existence. They are described to be very muscular and covered in black or dark coloured hair. Most importantly, as the name suggests they leave massive footprints which are said to be as large as 24 inches in length and 8 inches in width. These creatures are primarily spotted in North America and are also known by the name "Sasquatch"

While there are traces of wild man-like creatures from earlier times it never really formed into the bigfoot legend that we know until around the 1950s. This is because, In 1958, a journalist named Andrew Genzoli highlighted a letter from a reader stating that loggers in California had found mysteriously large footprints in the woods. Allen published an article that seemed to interest his readers so he continued to publish follow-up articles about the footprints. The name bigfoot was given to him by the loggers who decided on it because of, well, the big footprints. After this, the legend slowly gained popularity with scientists looking into the existence of such a creature and at one point, a TV show even put up a $1,000 reward of sorts for anyone who could provide proof that the Bigfoot existed. All this subsequently led to this legend becoming one of the more well-known of its kind in the world.

Since it has come into popular culture there have been more than a thousand sightings of the bigfoot and the number is increasing to this day. The most influential and convincing in my opinion would be a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in Northern California in 1976. The video is a little less than a minute long and shows a large creature exactly as the Legend depicts the bigfoot to be. The video makers, Patterson and Gimlin were interested in the beast and went to find it. The events that took place according to what they claim are as follows. Patterson and Gimlin were riding on horseback around Bluff Creek in Northern California. Along their route, they came to a large fallen tree which they rounded. As soon as they crossed the tree they spotted the large creature on the opposite side of the bank which, according to them was between 7 and 8 feet tall. Patterson quickly got his camera ready and filming the creature. Shortly after this, the creature began to walk away from them which prompted Patterson to run after it, causing most of the film to be quite shaky and not clear. This continued and Patterson eventually started to follow the creature on horseback until he finally lost him. This video was both the most substantial evidence but also became the most controversial. Many people claimed that it was a hoax and that the film was faked with either the help of a man in a suit or with some sort of special effects thus its authenticity remains a mystery to this date.

I initially didn't believe this legend at all but due to Patterson and Gimlin's Film, I am not totally against the possibility of a bigfoot like creature. This is because at that time the level of Special effects and props available were much lower than what we have now. Faking that film even with the lower quality would be quite a task and just like in the moon landing being fake theory I believe that in these many years we would have been able to factually prove that the video is fake if it actually was. Of course, the massive number of sightings of the creature also provides proof to its existence as although many have been found to be false, I find it hard to believe that all the thousands of people who claim to have seen bigfoot would all either be faking or mistaking it for another creature.

Thanks a lot for taking out the time to read my post and I hope you enjoyed it! for any future post suggestions or comments please feel free to contact me on any of our social media pages or leave a comment below!


  1. You do realise the Patterson/Gimlin film has now been exposed as a hoax by the guys that filmed it??

    1. Patterson died in 1972 and never said that it was a hoax even up till he died and neither did Gimlin. These were the guys that filmed it and you cant say that it has been "exposed as a hoax" on the basis of the testimony of other people who claim to have made it.

    2. Because they were making money off of it! Duh You have the guy who wore the suit, the guy who sold the suit to patterson and numerous others explaining it was a hoax and why, yet you would rather believe a grainy piece of footage that has been in doubt for years....!!


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