Majestic 12, The Government's Alien Organization

A UFO in desert land
Stock Image of a UFO in a Breaking Bad RV Meth Lab worthy location

What is Majestic 12?

Many of you must've heard of some or the other conspiracy theory about aliens and government involvement in their existence such as "Area 51" and today I'll be talking about another one of the most popular ones related to this. Majestic 12 (a.k.a "M-12) is claimed to be a government organization formed in 1974 headed by 12 men with the sole purpose of facilitating UFO and extraterrestrial investigations while maintaining an absolute level of secrecy in their existence. This organization was supposedly created by U.S. President Harry Truman after an alien space an alien spacecraft that crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947.

The group is said to consist of senior advisors from the military, intelligence, and scientific communities and is thus at the top of the government's hierarchy. This organization came to be known in the public eye mainly due to a series of leaked secret government documents which were first seen by theorists in 1984 and even though it has been many years since it has been in the spotlight of alien conspiracies it is still one of the most well known.                                                        

History & Evidence-

The initial claims of this theory begin as above stated from the Roswell UFO Incident. The Roswell Incident took place In 1947 when a strange "flying disc" of sorts crashed near a ranch. This lead to great interest by the public and was one of the first events of its kind with such popularity and conspiracy surrounding it. The United States Army Air Forces were quick to retaliate and claimed that it was a normal weather balloon but to this date, people believe that it was a UFO of some sort and was recovered by the military who used the balloon story as a cover-up. Now, this is where the M-12 came into the mix, a cover-up of this calibre would require more than just the involvement and knowledge of ground-level people but higher-ups across the government as well. Thus, the theory of such a government organization existing became something that was linked to this incident and was just a theory with no sort of hard evidence until a few years later.

The theory gained evidence to back it up in 1984 when ufologist and TV producer Jaime Shandera received an unnamed letter in the mail that contained a roll of film. When the film was subsequently developed and seen, it contained a series of images of an 8-page briefing paper named "Operation Majestic 12" (Link at bottom). The documents were from November 18, 1952, and revealed the existence of a secret organization of 12 powerful individuals authorized by United States President Harry S. Truman while also providing the names of the members. In the document, it was stated that Vice Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter told President-elect Dwight Eisenhower of the recovery of the remains of two crashed UFOs. The first of these crashes was the Roswell UFO incident from 1947 and according to the documents, authorities recovered the bodies of four humanoid beings. The briefing also goes on to provide details and guidelines on how to handle such situations in the future.  


Initially when the document was discovered MJ-12 became an organization that many people believed existed but as with all such theories, skepticism increased and researchers got involved. The biggest blow to this theory would be that a few years after the document supposedly leaked, the FBI began to investigate the "secret" briefing documents on MJ-12 and began to doubt it's legitimacy. When asked, The United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations claimed that the documents weren't legitimate and that no such organization was ever formed. The FBI completed their investigation by marking all the documents as "Bogus". In later years, a few more sets of documents did emerge but none matched the level of the original set and due to that all of them were also disregarded and claimed to be forged by conspiracy theorists. After this, many people doubted the existence of such an organization and it is now widely believed to have been a hoax.                                                                                                                                                                                   


This theory bears many similarities to the Area 51 conspiracies as they both mainly originated from the Roswell UFO Incident and are related to a secret government organization related to the finding and research of alien spacecraft and lifeforms. My personal views on this theory are similar to what I think of Area 51 which is that it is highly likely that aliens exist and may have come to earth at some point following which the government would probably create a secret government organization for extraterrestrial related purposes, but the chances of something which people know about such as "Majestic 12" to exist is very low. If there was such an organization I'm sure the govt would shroud it in complete secrecy and a leak of documents as happened in this case would lead to a different organization being formed to maintain that secrecy. Earlier this year, UFO sightings were confirmed by the US navy and this just solidifies my theory that such things are going on but are probably handled in the government in a much different manner than using an old organization that people already believe may exist such as MJ-12

Thanks a lot for taking out the time to read my post and I hope you enjoyed it! For any future post suggestions or comments please feel free to contact me on any of our social media pages or leave a comment below! Here is a download link to the series of documents that contain a briefing paper for MJ-12,


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