Vaccination & Vaccine Hesitancy

As you can guess from the title, this blog post will be about the stigma and conspiracy revolving around vaccines. Now, A vaccine is a substance that provides the vaccinated individual with immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains a form of the disease-causing life form (virus, bacteria, etc.) and is formed by using it in a weakened or deceased state so that it cant harm the individual. The vaccine stimulates the body's immune system to learn that the particular organism is harmful and learn to actively fight against it as a form of practice, so if the body is infected, it will be prepared to counter the disease.

Vaccine hesitancy is an unwillingness to be vaccinated or to have one's offspring vaccinated for an infectious disease even though vaccination services are available. The conspiracy related to vaccines can be said to be quite logical if you look at it from a certain aspect. It states that since the vaccine is made by using the disease-causing organisms themselves, there is probably a chance that the vaccine can not work as it is said to, and might just cause the disease itself. Vaccine hesitancy also encompasses more theories/reasons, for example, many people believe that vaccines are the root cause of autism in children and some even go further than this to say that vaccines are used by the government to track and control human beings. This belief is basically what built up into the "Anti Vaxxers", who are people against vaccination with the belief that it will cause more harm than good.

This conspiracy theory has been around for many years and it can be said to have properly begun and become a conspiracy theory back in the 1800s when the original smallpox vaccine was invented. This was done by the British doctor Edward Jenner in 1976 when he demonstrated that infection with the relatively mild cowpox virus conferred immunity against the deadly smallpox virus. Due to this method being very unorthodox and new at the time it was met with harsh opposition in the community and society. The theory that vaccines are a causing factor of autism originated because of a study published by Andrew Wakefield in 1997. The article implied that the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine was increasing autism in British children. This led to more related theories and although none were scientifically proven led to the beginning of the link between vaccines and autism. In today's time, this conspiracy has risen to popularity again due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic the world is facing. This is because if and when a vaccine is discovered for COVID-19, it may be made mandatory for people to get vaccinated. Many conspiracy theorists believe that this is a large ploy to forcefully administer vaccines to the general public by the government. They believe that the vaccine may cause problems or may be used to control humans ins some manner

In my personal opinion, I can see how the workings of vaccines can cause people to fear them and lead to this conspiracy but this is one I cannot agree with at all. I think that vaccinations do what they say and nothing more and that this anti-vaccination trend is very dangerous as people who remain without vaccination are causing a great risk to their lives as well as their loved ones. Furthermore, Vaccine Hesitancy has been declared by the World Health Organisation as a leading threat to public health in the world and there have also been many studies that have proven that vaccines have no relation to autism and definitely don't cause it. There is also magnitudes of proof showing the effectiveness and efficiency of vaccines in reducing and even eradicating many diseases such as Polio, Smallpox, etc.. That's all for this Theory. if you have any suggestions or ideas please add it in the comment section below and be sure to stay updated on recent posts!


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